

Atlanta Pride Committee does our best to support a variety of community events and projects that represent the full spectrum of our diverse community. While we can't actively recruit for each of these programs, we are happy to help them reach our community by posting information about the various projects on our Community Involvement page. We list the various research information here for the community to participate in those studies for which they qualify. Additionally, we encourage our community to visit this page regularly as it is updated as we are made aware of new studies and programs. We hope that this will help not only our research partners, but the LGBTQ+ Community as a whole.

For information regarding a particular study, please email the study's contact person as listed on each study listing. Atlanta Pride does not run nor participate in any of the listed studies or programs.

All of Us Research Program

Emory University, School of Medicine

Ends: 05/06/2028 | Contact Email

Demographic: Demographic: All eligible adults (18 or older) who live in the United | End Date: All of Us may last for at least 10 years.

Compensation:Participants who complete all seven steps to enroll are eligible to receive a $25 gift card.

Purpose:The All of Us Research Program has a simple mission. We want to help speed up health research. LGBTQ+ people, like many other groups, have often been left out of research. As a result, we know less about their health and ways to provide them with the best care. The All of Us Research Program wants to change this. By joining All of Us, LGBTQ+ people can help ensure their community is included in health studies. These studies could help researchers understand health conditions that are more common among LGBTQ+ people. What they learn could lead to more tailored approaches for preventing and treating those conditions. Participate in this survey

Bridging Divides in Social Movements

Carter School at George Mason University

Ends: 8/9/2024 | Contact Email

Demographic: 18+, fluent in English, resident of the Atlanta or Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas.

Compensation: $20 Amazon Gift Card.

Purpose: Our study—GMU IRB # 1909576-1—wishes to better understand your experiences with LGBTQ+ advocacy in the Atlanta and Washington, D.C. areas. If you would like to participate, you will be interviewed by a member of our research team. We expect this interview to take between 45 — 60 minutes. All interviews will be recorded, and unless you wish to be quoted by name, recorded interviews will only be available to the research team and will be deleted as soon as they are transcribed and de-identified.

GSU Gender Junction Study

Georgia State University, School of Public Health

Ends: 05/31/2027 | Contact Email

Demographic: Transgender and gender diverse adults between ages 18 and 55 from metro Atlanta to participate in a study about alcohol use.

Compensation: For completing all study requirements, enrolled participants are eligible to receive up to $554.00 by the end of 12 months.

Purpose: This research project is a five-year, federally funded study designed to identify and examine various societal stressors (such as discrimination) that transgender and gender diverse people experience in their daily lives and how their use of alcohol and other drugs intersects with their experiences. We are in the process of recruiting up to 400 participants from metro Atlanta to take part in this study. Participate in this survey

LGBTQ Youth Sexual Health Communications

Yale School of Public Health

Ends: 01/19/2025 | Contact Email

Demographic: We are looking for Black LGBTQ+ Youth (ages 18-24) AND Fathers/father-figures of LGBTQ+ children.

Compensation: Yes, participants will receive $50 after successful interview completion.

Purpose:We are looking to understand how communication between Black father figures and their LGBTQ children impacts sexual health outcomes and behaviors for LGBTQ populations. Participate in this survey

The PASSION Project - Initial Screening

Georgia State University

Ends: 10/15/2024 | Contact Email

Demographic: (1) You identify as LGBTQ+, (2) you are in a relationship, and (3) you and your partner are 21 years old and older.

Compensation: In part one, each partner will earn $40 for coming to our laboratory on the downtown campus of Georgia State University and completing questionnaires (1.5 to 2 hours). If you and your partner are eligible for part 2, each partner may also earn up to an additional payment of $110 (2 hours) to $175 (6-8 hours).

Purpose: The aim of our research at Georgia State University is to promote healthy intimate relationships for LGBTQ+ people.? We know that when people have healthy intimate relationships, their overall mental and physical health tends to be better as well. So in our study, we are trying to understand what leads to healthy, and unhealthy, intimate relationships for LGBTQ+ people. We think that this project can provide important information that can be used to develop better programs to promote healthy intimate relationships for LGBTQ+ people. Participate in this survey

Resilience Measure for LGBTQ+ Black, Indigenous, and People of Color

University of Missouri

Ends: 07/26/2024 | Contact Email

Demographic: Screening survey includes name, Email, Age, Sexual identity, gender identity, racial/ethnic identity.

Compensation:Earn up to $200 for participating in a cognitive interview.

Purpose:Study participation is confidential and includes completing a brief demographic screening questionnaire. If you qualify for the study, you will then be asked to complete a 60 to 90 minute online cognitive interview providing feedback on a pilot measure of resilience. Participate in this survey

RISE - Research Inclusion Supports Equity.

Emory University

Ends: Ongoing | Contact Email

Demographic: LGBTQIA+ people 18 years and older who have memory concerns or a memory loss diagnosis such as Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia or are helping care for someone with memory loss or a memory loss diagnosis.

Compensation: No Compensation.

Purpose:RISE is a research study being conducted by Emory University, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. RISE stands for Research Inclusion Supports Equity. The RISE Registry is for LGBTQIA+ 18 and older who have memory concerns or a memory loss diagnosis such as Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia or are helping care for someone with memory loss or a memory loss diagnosis. The RISE Registry is a national effort designed to connect participants to LGBTQIA2+ friendly resources and includes a research registry created to help ensure the LGBTQIA+ community is represented in Alzheimer's research. Participate in this survey

THRIVE SS Silver Lining Project - Community Needs Assessment


Ends: Ongoing | Contact Email

Demographic: Black SGL men over the age of 50 living with HIV in Georgia.

Compensation: No Compensation.

Purpose:Our team has been working diligently on a comprehensive Community Needs Assessment survey to better understand the unique challenges and opportunities of Black SGL men over the age of 50 living with HIV in Georgia. The results of this survey will be used to inform our Advocacy and Policy Agenda. Participate in this survey

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